353B Preston St.
Open every day 11AM - 2AM
"The Heart of Little Italy"
The most beautiful pub in the city with rich mahogany wood, a circular copper bar and all imported tables and chairs makes this pub truly inspired by Ireland. The copper throughout the restaurant gives a glowing effect through the night. Join us for a drink on Preston Street’s largest patio or pop in for live music performed by some of Ottawa’s finest musicians. There truly is no better place to be on Preston!
Upcoming events
Dec 21Live MusicJeff devalk band10pm - 2am
Dec 26Live MusicChris Zimmerman9pm - 1am
Dec 27Live Musicthe casuals10pm - 2am
Dec 28Live Musicthe casuals10pm - 2am
Dec 31Live Musichighway sunrise10pm - 2am
Jan 1Live Musicjasen colson solo9pm - 1am
Jan 2Live Musicjoey vinegar solo9pm - 1am
Jan 3Live MusicShawn tavenier band10pm - 2am
Jan 4Live MusicShawn tavenier band10pm - 2am
Jan 8Live MusicMathew falvai solo9pm - 1am
Jan 9Live MusicNathan da silva9pm - 1am
Jan 10Live Musicthe vanduras10pm - 2am
Jan 11Live Musicthe vanduras10pm - 2am
Jan 15Live Musicuottawascotty9pm - 1am
Jan 16Live MusicChris Zimmerman9pm - 1am
Jan 17Live Musicthe casuals10pm - 2am
Jan 18Live Musicthe casuals10pm - 2am
Chill out
Or get cozy
Heart & Crown Preston
353B Preston St.
Open Mon - Sun: 11am – 2am